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Adventures of a third wheel

Sorry for the lack of updates!

I just gave my keynote presentation (subject: how games can motivate social change) at the Nordic Game Jam, the biggest event of the Global Game Jam happening this weekend.   After 2 days in airports waiting for bad weather to clear, I’m running on 2 hours of sleep, 2 cuban beers, and a tonne  of post-keynote relief.  Oh, and a giant bag of danish candy.

Cactus and Petri, NGJ 2009

Cactus and Petri, NGJ 2009

It’s a great feeling to be among friends who you don’t see that often, and collaborate with them.  Even if I’m falling asleep on my feet, I managed to take this picture of the initial brainstorming session for my game “team.”  It’s Cactus and Petri, with me as a completely useless “member.”  I’m setting up to do some sound work, which could be pretty silly since we were talking about using sfxr for sfx, and Songsmith for music.  Heh.  Does the term “third wheel” even apply when it’s relative to a duo of unicycles?  Hey, I can’t complain.  I get to sit in a room with Petri and Jonatan and actually watch them in action.  How many people can say that?

2009 is the year I will learn (the basics of) programming.  Maybe I should just start now, here.  Nothin’ else for me to do!  [UPDATE:  I did end up doing things.  Many things.]

I’ll make the presentation file downloadable real soon here.  Some people also video taped it so that might be available soon.

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