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Last Game and Testament

The start of a new year means time to do a little bit of house cleaning!
Most of the dust bunnies will be swept under the rug, of course. But here is one to be held up in the sparkling light of a January morning.

Last Game and Testament by Heather Kelley and Erin Robinson
Just shy of 1 year late, here’s the game concept that Erin Robinson and I developed in our bid to reclaim the GDC Game Design Challenge for a second year, this time on the theme of “Real World Permadeath.”

Slide deck: Last Game and Testament (pdf 4.7mb)

A couple of writeups, so you can follow the bouncing skull, as it were:
Kokugamer: GDC: Deadly Game Design Challenge
The Escapist: GDC 2010: Game Design Challenge – Real Life Perma-death

And GDC Vault members can watch the video here.

I was especially pleased to share the stage with Kim Swift, whose unfortunate and news-making exclusion from the 2009 Challenge laid the path for our initial victory.  Sadly, we lost the throne (congrats, Jenova!), but I’m extremely happy with our design, our process, and our presentation.  So, enjoy!  And, ponder.

P.S. Buy Puzzle Bots!

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